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How does Roulette work?

Roulette is an iconic and classic casino game that’s been played for centuries. It combines a straightforward core concept with a variety of wagering options, all centred around the Roulette wheel.

Both land-based and online casinos have plenty of varieties of Roulette on offer, with differences in format, design and rulesets. One format that’s grown over the last few years is live Roulette, which offers a combination of online play with the presence of a live dealer through video streaming.

So, let’s take a closer look at how this classic casino game works and what rules players need to know.

Understanding Roulette

The entire game of Roulette revolves – pun intended – around its wheel. Players place wagers on which of the wheel’s numbered pockets a ball will stop in, once released onto the rim of the spinning wheel.

Another important part of the game’s design is the table layout, which sets out the various wagering options open to players. In a land-based casino, players will place chips on certain squares or parts of the layout to indicate their chosen wager for the game.

The number of pockets on the wheel changes between two of the main formats – European and American Roulette. In European Roulette there are 37 pockets, alternating between black and red with a single green zero. In American, there is an additional 38th pocket which is the green double zero.

How a game of Roulette works

Unlike games like Poker, Roulette only consists of a single round with a few distinct phases.

First, before the wheel is spun, players have the chance to place their wagers on the table layout. They can choose from various options, which all carry their own odds and potential payout.

Next, the dealer – otherwise known as a croupier – will spin the wheel in one direction before rolling the ball around the rim in the opposite one. At this point, no further wagers can be made on the spin.

As the ball rolls and bounces it will slow down, before coming to an eventual stop in one of the wheel’s pockets. This determines the outcome of the game, which the croupier will announce to the table.

The final phase involves the croupier resolving all wagers, giving payouts to any players whose wager lined up with the finishing pocket.

And that’s all there is to it. The only real difference in online Roulette games is the role of the dealer being taken by the game software, with a random number generator (RNG) determining the outcome of the spin.

Wagering options in Roulette

The table layout in Roulette splits potential wagers into two categories, known as inside and outside bets, depending on where they sit on the layout.

Inside bets are placed either on individual numbers or on small groups of numbers, covering up to six squares on the layout’s central numbered grid. These are either placed in the square for an individual number bet or on a set position, such as the line between two numbers.

Outside bets are found outside of the central columns of numbers, covering larger groups and categories such as red/black or odd/even. These carry lower payouts as they have higher odds of landing.

Roulette is a straightforward game to understand, especially once players are aware of the various wagers available to choose from.

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