Room 101: Will Addison – Sale wing

Will Addison1. Red top milk
I come from Cumbrian farming stock so I like nothing less than full fat milk. I first came across semi-skimmed and skimmed milk when I moved down to Manchester and the bare mention of the red top stuff sends shivers down my spine. How can people like that? I’ve managed to convert my flat-mate, Mike Haley, onto the proper stuff.
TRP verdict: You can be the proverbial cat who has got the cream as this one is going in. Red top milk is nothing more than coloured water.
2. Round dodgers
We all have friends who find any excuse not to go to the bar and buy a round. Tom Brady used to use the old ‘I’ve just got to nip to the loo routine’ to avoid putting his hand in his pocket and Marc Jones was guilty of round avoidance too. If someone buys you a drink, then I think it is only fair you buy them one back. Thankfully, none of the current squad are particularly bad in this respect, not that I can think of anyway.
TRP verdict: Yep, it’s time to round up these tight-wads and leave them high and dry in .
3. Kardashian culture
The Kardashians seem to sum up the culture of talentless celebrities – people that are only famous for being famous not because of any particular skill or hard work. Keeping up with the Kardashians … you can forget it!
TRP verdict: The reality is these types of shows stink. They have as much as substance as the old pies at Edgeley Park!

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