1. Needless chat
I find it very frustrating whenever someone starts up another conversation following a meeting/team huddle. I just want to go home or get on with training and this needless chat, which normally just repeats what’s already been discussed, can make things drag on for a good half an hour or so. Tom Calladine and Charlie Maddison were probably the worst culprits at my old club Rotherham. Whenever Charlie used to speak – normally in buzz words – his older brother Barney just used to roll his eyes.
TRP verdict: We’ve four words for you … welcome to Room 101.
2. Moving house
I’ve just moved home for the fourth time in three years, from Rotherham to Gloucester, and I want this time to be the last for a good while. It costs hundreds of pounds hiring removal vans and then you’ve got all the hassle of changing your address on bills. We’ve gone from a three bed semi to a two bed flat so finding a place for everything is a challenge, too.
TRP verdict: All the gear and no idea what to do with it, eh? Hopefully it’s helped getting stuff like this off your (tea) chest.
3. Mayonnaise in sandwiches
On the way up to Moseley me and a few lads have a lunch stopover. This normally involves going into M&S for a sandwich. Trouble is they have 20 different varieties but all of them are oozing with mayonnaise. I don’t like the stuff and it makes the bread soggy so I’ve been known to buy my own bread and ham and cheese separately and make up a sandwich myself at three times the cost.
TRP verdict: This is definitely a condiment that needs a good dressing down.