Room 101: Will Chudley – Exeter scrum-half

Will Chudley1. Supermarket till etiquette
I’m always conscious not to keep people behind me in the supermarket queue waiting for any longer than they have to, and as such I feel under pressure to pay up and move away as quick as possible – a task made impossible when the cashier hands you back your change on the top of the receipt in one hand with your loyalty card in the other. What normally ensues is a ham-fisted attempt to slide my money into my wallet … taking aim while the people behind wait patiently. A lot of the time the loose change ends up being spilled and rolling around on the floor, which only serves to waste more time. It’s a nightmare!
TRP verdict: You’re in. To coin a phrase from George Bernard Shaw, ‘Progress is impossible without change’.
2. Bad manners
It costs nothing to say please or thank you but too many people forget that because they either just can’t be bothered or it wasn’t instilled in them from a young age. If people open a door for you, or let you out in the road or help you, it’s polite and nice and courteous to show your appreciation. It’s only one word at the end of the day and it’s not hard to say. Often rudeness is directed at those who it is assumed are in a subordinate position. Manners cost nothing and someone’s social standing is an irrelevance to having good manners and being polite!
TRP verdict: It would be rude not to let you in .
3. Moaners
… Or sappers as we like to call them. It seem ironic given I’ve been asked to choose three things to moan about but what the heck! I’m a happy person and really don’t like people to kill the mood. Keep it positive people; we’ve got one life so make the most of it.
There’s a few guys at the who moan about training and perhaps lose sight of the fact that we’re privileged to do what we do. Tomas Francis is doing pretty well for himself at the moment but can still find something to grumble about! In general, people should focus on what they have rather than what they haven’t got.
TRP verdict: Hopefully, that’s the last of the summer whine.

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