Room 101: Danny Wright – Coventry lock

Danny Wright1. Small changing rooms
At the Butts Park Arena we are blessed with great changing facilities, but that’s pretty much the exception rather than the rule in the lower leagues. In a lot of cases, particularly at Wharfedale where it’s like getting changed in an airing cupboard, 22 men, some the size of a bus, have to squeeze into a space that looks like it’s designed with a hamster in mind. Chuck in the modern-day kit bag, which is as big as a standard suitcase, then the word overcrowded springs to mind.
TRP verdict: I think we can squeeze you in.
2. Adverts on TV
It hit home to me the other week just how much of our TV viewing time is wasted by adverts. By the time an hour-long programme has finished I could tell you more about what sales DFS has on or Curry’s vacuum exchange scheme than the programme itself. Sky + is a brilliant invention for getting around this problem.
TRP verdict:   Take a break; take a place in .
3. Poltics and voting
At 23 years of age I have voted in one election and will do so again. However, when that time comes I’ll probably be at a loss as to who to vote for. Do you vote for which party tells the best lies or the one which you think will make the most difference? To be fair I don’t think there is much to choose between them, as all candidates seem to promise great things and get people to believe in them in order to get elected and then do nothing to put into practice what they said they were going to do once they’ve taken their seat in parliament.
TRP verdict:  The ‘ayes’ have it. You’re in.

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