Women’s final was great entertainment

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WHAT a shame fewer than 7,000 people had the pleasure of watching one of the best games of for years. The Women’s at Sandy Park was played by two teams full of honest endeavour and in the right spirit.

The was not a for about 25 minutes and of the few that there were all game I do not recall one collapsing. Then there was no pointless aerial kicking and the rucks were quickly over resulting in plenty of running with the ball. What better entertainment for a spectator!!

Of course there was another individual involved in this and I believe that Sara Cox played an important part in keeping the game flowing. She should be highly praised for this and I agree with that she should have overridden the TMO regarding the disallowed try. It was clear that there was a hand/ arm under the ball in the final TV picture but I consider that, prior to that, part of the ball was grounded. Water under the bridge as they say and it did not affect the final result but it could have easily have done so.

Hopefully everyone will learn from this display, especially those in power to make or change the laws, and realise what is possible given the right attitude of the players and the referee and we will see some better men’s senior rugby in the future. I was told by a top referee once that the team which cheats the cleverest wins. If this is allowed to continue then players and supporters just as well find some other enjoyment!

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