There isn’t much space in changing rooms as it is without your team-mates putting their kit bags on the bench where you are supposed to sit. Bags are for floors not benches! Nick Schonert, the prop, sits next to me and is always guilty of this.
TRP verdict: It’s time to pack up your troubles in your old kit bag… and move into Room 101.
2. Unpunctual people
I’m not good at waiting for people. I believe if you say you’re going to meet someone at a certain time you should have the courtesy to be there when agreed. It winds me up when people try and come up with lame excuses as to why they are late. Among the Worcester squad, Ben Sowery is pretty bad, but the worst person I have ever met in this respect is my old London Welsh and Rotherham team-mate, Shane Cahill, who didn’t care if he turned up at all. Don’t get me started on taxi drivers who say, ‘I’m just around the corner,’ when clearly they’re not.
TRP verdict: That’s just Shane-ful, you’re in again.
3. Smashed phone screens
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve dropped my phone and the screen has smashed. It’s like that at the moment but thankfully, it’s still usable. Replacing the screen is a costly business but I don’t know how I’d survive without my phone!
TRP verdict: A cracking effort all round, that’s 3 out of 3.