Room 101: Ted Stagg – Caldy hooker

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1. Littering
I just don’t see the point of throwing rubbish on the floor when everywhere you go there is a bin to put your litter in. There is simply no excuse for it; it is lazy and pointless, shows a lack of respect and creates an eyesore.
TRP verdict: A garbage subject but a great choice.
2. Bad manners
Small things like someone not saying thank you when you hold a door open for them, really bug me. When that happens I sarcastically say out loud, ‘you’re welcome,’ to shame them. People that push into queues are just as bad, or people who bump into you in the street without apologising.
TRP verdict: This is manna from heaven, you’re in again.
3. Dishonesty
Give me the brutal honesty of someone like Andre Bester, my former coach at , over a coach who doesn’t give you the whole truth any day of the week. Andre used to call you out in front of the whole squad if he had an issue he wanted airing. I’d rather be told directly that I’m not doing well enough to be picked rather than someone beating around the bush and telling me stuff they think I want to hear. My current coaches, Simon Verbickas and Andy Kyriacou, are totally up front and honest. With them, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows just because we’re winning.
TRP verdict: You’ve every right not to let this lie. Well done on claiming the hat-trick.

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