It’ll be tough – we’ll give it our best shot

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Following to National Two East, Colchester head coach Craig Burrows, below, tells Ben Jaycock his plan for the new challenge

On the way up: Colchester have been promoted to National Two East

So, Craig how are preparations going for next season?

I've been busy during the week meeting new players alongside training sessions and debriefs. Things are going very well, we're getting good numbers to pre-season and we've kept the majority of our squad from last season.

Have any players moved on?

We've lost four players; two of them due to retirement, one of those due to a job change and another player who is South African due to a visa situation.

How are training numbers at the start of the new preseason?

We started as the entire club together with 75 plus players per night. We've now split into a squad of roughly 40-45 players that we're working together as a first team squad. That will be slimmed down to 30-33 in a couple week's time.

Tell us about the new signings?

“We've equipped ourselves well to have enough depth for any injuries”

We've strengthened all over. We've brought a couple of new props in, two new second rows, a load of back rowers in, so we're now very lucky to have a lot of back rowers but we've got a couple of returning players who have finished university and are now coming back to us again. We've signed another good 9, 10, a decent 12 and then have got another decent winger coming in. So, we've equipped ourselves well to have enough depth for any injuries because we know it'll be a tough season that will be a lot longer than we're used to.

Will there be players making the jump up from level 5 or almost a brand new starting XV?

It's pretty mixed to be honest. The players we've brought in are experienced players who have played in National Two East before or higher. We're looking to keep the majority of our old squad but the experience will provide a good mixture.

How much will it mean to lead your side out in the National Leagues for you personally?

It's a great privilege. I've done the job before as a backs coach when I was at but as a head coach it's a complete honour. It's even sweeter with it being the club's centenary year as well, so what a year to get promoted to this level.

It's great to get Essex on the map isn't it?

When we got promotion it was a blessing for us because the club has got great facilities, we've got a great bunch of people in our committee. Our chairman is 100 per cent rugby driven and a very clever lad. The management team definitely want to push us forward in the right direction.

The supporter base seems like it's growing, should we see some big crowds next term?

We will definitely be getting more support in. Last season the rough numbers varied from 500-1,000 at some games but we're hopefully looking at 800-1,000 which would be great! It will mean so much when the supporters get behind a team that's been promoted to a tougher league.

What are your primary goals for next season?

We've got a three-year plan that we've discussed as a club. As a new team going up into a new league, we want to consolidate and find ourselves. If we can end up mid-table we'd be happy with that. Following that we'd build for the future and give it a real good crack.

What is the style of play your side side usually operates with?

I like playing a quick game but also a clever one as well. Fly-half is a key position in the team to be filled and the player that we've signed has got high-level experience, so should be able to put us in the right areas, so we can utilise our strengths.

How much do you know about the other sides in the division?

I've kept a very close eye on teams last season. When we had off weekends, I went down to watch Bury play against some of the other teams. I was lucky enough to watch Bury-, Bury-. So, I've done a fair bit of homework on them but every team changes with new players and coaches coming in. I know where we need to be strong, where we need to work on and areas to attack other teams.

“It means so much when supporters get behind a team that's come up”

How much are you looking forward to going up against your local rivals and your former employers Bury St Edmunds?

It's always nice playing against a local team. Having coached at Bury for four years, I know they are going to be great days with good rugby involving real talent on the field from both teams.

Who should we look out for in your side?

We've got Alex Gray who played , he played in the Welsh for Pontypool previously. We've also signed Lewis Jeffery from Bury St Edmunds, who is a very strong mobile prop. They have both been outstanding in the short time I've worked with them. Their work rate at training has been phenomenal and they are two people who you want in your squad because they are team-mates that give everything for the team.

What's the message from your side to the rest of the league?

We're very excited to be coming into National Two East. We know it's going to be a lot different to last season but we're going to work hard and give it our best shot.

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