It was good to see Scotland support for T2

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, for reasons beyond me, have been getting heat over their ‘meaningless' of North and South America, not least from their own media but I want to both congratulate and thank them.

Too many T1 nations talk a good game when it comes to supporting T2 nations … and then singularly fail to deliver. The occasional fourth Test in the autumn simply doesn't cut the mustard so a massive hat tip to the Scots for walking the walk.

In the course of a memorable month the youngish squad thrashed Canada 73-22 in Ottawa, beat 42-7 in Washington DC, defeated 52-11 in Santiago and then had enough in the tank to get past 31-19 in Montevideo. During that time they were also able to cap and ‘capture' dual qualified players such as Gus Warr, Aaron Reed, Nathan McBeth and Will Hurd.

Call me old fashioned but I like to think that, as well as getting four Test wins under their belts, the entire Scottish party also took the opportunity to decompress a little and get an insight into old style tours. A chance to take the foot off the accelerator a little. What's not to like?

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