Sacrifices beyond the call

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ANOTHER Matt Dawson, an Australian hockey player not to be confused with his namesake from Question of Sport, made a news item the other day. Achieving his Olympic dream as a member of the Kookaburras meant amputating part of a broken finger.

Such a sacrifice in the name of international sport is not new. Red Conway was so desperate not to miss the ' tour of during the Olympic year of 1960 that he had the repeatedly broken third finger of his right hand removed. A carpenter by trade who played ten Tests for , Conway lived to the grand old age of 87. n WRU chairman Richard Collier-Keywood has made a stout-hearted defence of , arguing that the blooding of so many new players was all ‘part of the plan' to reach the semi-finals of the next . “We've asked him to do it and he's getting on with it,'' Collier-Wood said. “Of course, we're going to support him.''

Full marks for finding a silver lining among the dark clouds but, with due respect, losing nine Tests in a row ought not to be part of any plan.

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