Rosslyn Park off the mark as MP search goes on

Darlington MP ……. 13


ROSSLYN Park enjoyed their long trip up north to Darlington as they secured their first win of the season.

Mowden Park were also looking for their opening success of the campaign, meaning that their search continues.

In a close start to the game, the visitors finally broke through for the first try of the game through Ewan Fenley after 11 minutes, converted by Steffan James.

Mowden showed some good attacking play of their own but were unable to capitalise, and Charlie Walker made then pay by chasing a long kick to score Rosslyn’s second, which James again converted.

Mowden pressed again and gained their reward through a penalty from Josh Ree before half-time to make it 3-12.

Mowden won another penalty early in the second, again converted by Ree which brought the score within six.

But Rosslyn came back firing, first through a penalty of their own by James, then tries from Theo Manihera, James, Jasper Cameron and Josh Bragman, two of which James converted, to take the game away from their hosts.

Alate try from Shaun McCartney, converted by Ree, proved to be of little consolation, especially when Cameron added another for the visitors leaving a resounding score.

REFEREE: Tim Allatt


Star player Steffan James -Rosslyn Park


MP: Ree, Trees, Walker, Groves, Mccartney, Newton, Douglas, Fantini, Jones, Craggs, Vaioleti, Peacock, Kyle-Clay, Fraine, Barron

Replacements: Oliver, Harrison, Usher, Hall-, Read

ROSSLYN PARK: Smith, Walker, Manihera, Gordon, Cordy-Redden, James, Fen-ley, Hosking, Ellis, Wrafter, Martin, Bolwell, Charalambous, Miller, Cade

Replacements: Cameron, Wade, Digby, Mulchrone, Bragman