Priest answers all Moseley prayers

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B Moseley …………..35

………… 13

MOSELEY proved too good for Blackheath, with star man Ethan Priest leading the way.

The visitors struck first with a Tom Ffitch penalty.

Despite Moseley enjoying the majority of territory and possession for the next quarter, the visitors extended their lead as Paul Schroter finished off an overlap for Ffitch to again add the extras.

But the home team were soon be back to the visitors line, with David Langley squeezing over, Jack Jolly converting.

Morgan Adderley-Jones then added a second from a lucky bounce, Jolly again successfully converted.

Ffitch completed the first-half scoring with another simple penalty.

The second half was one-way traffic played almost exclusively in Blackheath territory.

However, it wasn’t until a frenetic last ten minutes that the scoreboard moved as Adderley-Jones added his second, converted by Jolly.

Aquile Smith finished off a fine run down the right-hand side by Freddie Painter before the latter scored a solo effort from an intercept, both tries converted by Thomas Taylor.

There was just time for the restart before the ball was kicked to touch and Mosley could celebrate.


B MOSELEY: Pointon, Brough, Adderly-Jones, Taylor, A Smith, Maxwell-Whiteley, Jolly; Langley, McNulty, Priest, Allen, , Peters, Safe, Stedman 

Replacements: Betts, Pogson, F Smith, Miles, Painter

BLACKHEATH: Slowik, Lloyd, Hirskyj-Douglas, Burgess, Hennessey, Ffitch, Burns; Davis, Harding, Boye, Everard, Cavubati, Schroter, Sloot, Baldwin 

Replacements: Witchell, Holland, Hoyt, Armstrong, Smart

REFEREE: Ben Rayner


Star player

Ethan Priest -B Moseley

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