Moseley continue their upward curve

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B Moseley …………..28

Bishop’s S…………… 14

MOSELEY were quick out of the blocks with a penalty to touch. From the line-out, the ball was worked to the other side, Anthony Egodo breaking through to feed Aquile Smith in the left corner, Jack Jolly adding the extras.

The game was one of contrasting styles. Moseley building pressure from the set-piece, Stortford playing a more open game, kicking through to set up foot races. Chris Smith would react quickest to a bobbling ball in the goal area, Michael Cooke with the kick.

Smith would add a second jinking down the left, Jolly from the tee for the score of the half.

The hosts were soon on the scoresheet in the second half adding another seven points in familiar fashion, this time through Daniel Brough on the right

Kenzie J The visitors would enjoy extended period in their hosts’ territory. Turning down several kickable penalties in favour of line-outs, Moseley would deny them any real scoring opportunities. With the hosts a man down, Stortford broke through, Smith adding his second, Cooke converting.

Moseley ended the game with Brough feeding Thomas Taylor. His dive for the line halted by a high tackle, a yellow and a penalty try.


B MOSELEY: Brough, Egodo, Adderley-Jones, Taylor, Smith, Maxwell-Whiteley, Jolly; Priest, McNulty, Betts, Allen, Butler, Peters, Dawes, Stedman

Replacements: Foreman, Roach, Safe, Miles, Painter BISHOP’S STORTFORD: Powell, Stannard, Mills, Baird, Smith, Cooke, Bolton; Hill, Rayment, Peck, Ferguson, Kiff, Jones, Hammick, Rogers Replacements: Bell, Smith, Charter, Briers, Pope

REFEREE: Henry Pearson 


Star player 

Aquile Smith -B Moseley

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