Students continue unbeaten season

Action-packed: Jack Howells goes over for try and,
PICTURES: Peter Charlish

below, Ralfie Willot scores

L’ghborough S.49pts


welcomed Camborne on the September fixture with both teams having taken maximum points offered from their first three games.

Camborne made the near 600-mile round trip up to the East Midlands to play their part in what was looking to be a great afternoon of attacking to showcase the top of the table.

The game started at a furious pace and it was the Students who got first blood with a try from Ralfie Willott before the 10-minute mark, Ben Taylor added the extras. Loughborough continued their positive start and added a further score through Kit Temperley with a moment to get the crowd going, the winger picking the ball up and going the length on a kick counter attack, Taylor again adding the extras. Camborne knew that a response was required and did so with a try from Alex Ducker in the 28th minute, the conversion was successful by Kyle Moyle.

Loughborough replied through Jack Howells two minutes later in an attempt to try and pull away before half time, Taylor again adding the extras to make the score 21-7. The men from Camborne again wouldn’t let the Students pull away, adding an unconverted try through their hooker Ben Priddey.

The teams went into the sheds at half time with the scores at 21-12, with the crowd hoping that more of the same standard and style of rugby would follow in the next half.

Loughborough started the second half fast, with Tom Rowe going over whilst the crowd were still making their way to the pitch following a refreshment break, the ever dependent Ben Taylor added the extras again.

Their next was a fantastic solo score by fullback Darragh Walsh, going the length from a strike, the students starting to pull away with the scores ten minutes into the second half now at 35-12 with another conversion by Taylor.

Ethan Parkins made his return from injury with another converted score on the 56th minute.

Camborne were not done however, and scored three quick tries to secure their try bonus point and make the scores 42-31.

You would forgive the home crowd in wondering if Camborne were going to mount a comeback of the ages, before seizing control again through another Tom Rowe converted try, making the final scores 49-31 to continue the students perfect September and perfect start to the new season.


LOUGHBOROUGH STUDENTS: Walsh, Rowe, Peppitt, Howells, Temperley, Taylor, Wickham; O’Driscoll, Willot, Lamprell, Bennett, Pedlar, Tandoh, Par-kins, Loggenberg.

Replacements: Eule, Van Lille, Garino, Hulse, Tusler

CAMBORNE: Larkins, Davis, Gilbert, Matavesi, Ducker, Moyle, Tanswell; Southworth, Priddey, Drew, Marais, Andrew, Rose, Nicholls, Brassington.

Replacements: Prowse, Heazelton, Griffiths, King, Boyce

REFEREE: Callum Watson


Star player

Ben Taylor – Loughborough