Minikin happy to keep his eye on the pitch

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Despite having barely watched any his entire life, Lewis Minikin has gone on to have quite the career for .

The 29-year-old centre has made over 100 appearances and scored over 50 tries since joining the club in 2016 and is one of only three people to have scored more than 300 points in one season.

However, watching rugby really isn’t his thing – not even matches.

Minikin said: “I’ve played union since I was six but I’ve never been one to watch rugby and truth be told I’m actually more of a football fan and watch rugby league more than I watch union.

“All my mates at school were football fans and didn’t have any interest in watching rugby, so I guess I’m the same as them. I’m a bit different as pretty much everyone else at the club watches it and looks forward to things like the Six Nations.”

Ionians bounced back from a recent rocky period with a 41-30 win over last weekend and. while Minikin was pleased to get back to winning ways, he feels their title chances are now over.

He said: “It was a tough game against Sheffield but was good to put in a strong performance and get an important bonus point win.

“We thought we’d be up at the top of the league towards the end of the season but the recent losses against and have knocked us out of a chance of winning . It’s not disappointing as being third is still very impressive with it being such a hard league but we’d rather we hadn’t slipped up in recent weeks.”

Minkin has also conceded defeat in his preseason goal of scoring over 300 points but came into this weekend with a very respectful tally of 162 from 15 games.

He said: “It’s a lot harder now that the season has been reduced to 26 games from 30. I need to average 13 points per game to make that.”

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