Strong Dorking finish so decisive in close contest

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Old Albanians……..28 …………………43

DORKING came out on top in a fast and exciting game.

OA made a fantastic start holding position for most of the first quarter.

The first try came from a five-metre line-out, and instead of the usual catch-and-drive, OA moved the ballfor Greg Lound to score under the posts. Sam Jones converted.

Dorking equalised from a line-out of their own, with Tom Howe scoring. Henry Anscombe added the extras.

The OA possession led to the next two scores as Stephen Hihetah burst through the centre to score. Jones again converted.

Then an OA penalty was kicked to the corner, and Charlie Fleckney scored. Jones converted.

From the restart, Dorking gained possession and kicked through, the ball bounced up and Max Coyle scored. Anscombe converted.

On half-time another Dorking line-out resulted in Henry Birch scoring, and again Anscombe was successful with the conversion to make it 21-21.

OA scored immediately at the start of the second half as Charlie West broke tackles to score. The accurate Jones again converted.

The bonus-point try was to be OA’s last score. Dorking started to gain the upper hand with tries came for Jasper King, Tom Harwick and Tobby McRae. Anscombe converted two and added a penalty to seal the win.

REFEREE: Simon Waite


Star player Tom Harwick -Dorking


OLD ALBANIANS: Noot, Nurse, Jones, Hihetah, Bridger, Lound, Thomas; Harris, Fleckney, Samuel, Gibbs, Watts, Radovanovic, West, Ponsford Replacements: Fitzgerald, Holland, Omale, Speller, Mancey

DORKING: Coyle, Stephens, Howe, Anscombe, McRae, Harwick, Jackson; Birch, Ellis, Connor, Golder, King, Howorth, Burroughs, Osborne Replacements: Bristow, Rawlinson, Musa, Norwood, Baldwin

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