It’s no stroll in the Park for Combe

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Westcombe P………29 Bury St Ed’s………….24

COMBE were involved in another high-scoring encounter to start the 24/25 season, edging the win, despite huge Bury pressure at the end.

BSE dominated the opening exchanges and well-deserved their opening try after eight minutes from a great line-out finished with a fine angled run.

Nick Cook replied for the home side with a typical charge from his own half and Nathan Wyman added the conversion.

Wyman added a penalty following a high tackle but Bury retook the lead exploiting a huge overlap.

But Combe finished the half in the lead when prop Sam Kenny plunged over at close quarters for a try converted by Toby Wallace.

Combe extended their lead in the second period with a Wallace try following an excellent Raf Dutta catch at the line-out. The 24-14 lead was added to when after a series of off-loads -half Ben Fryatt dotted down to send Combe clear.

But BSe didn’t buckle and two tries in the last ten minutes made the Combe supporters’ nerves jangle.

When the last attempt was whistled for ‘held up’ the relief around the ground was palpable. Five points for Combe and a well deserved couple for the visitors.


WESTCOMBE PARK: Wallace, Withheld, Griffiths, Harrison, Webster, Wyman, Davies, Cook, Kiri Kiri, Chawner, Fombo, Smith, Roofe, Wagstaff, Kenny Replacements: Harris, Mundicha, Lofinmakin-Dutta, Rhodes, Fryatt BURY ST ED’S: Shortall, Earnshaw, Loose, Kharbouch, Affleck, Withheld, Mcphun, Williams, Guy, Lavin, Grigg-Pettitt, Harrison, Cooper, McCartney, Carmichael-Fraser Replacements: Stone, Kelland, Mitchell, Sams, Metcalfe


Star man Tom Webster -Westcombe Park

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