Anscombe pulling the strings for Raiders

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WORTHING Raiders made fewer mistakes throughout a game played in driving rain and everincreasing wind to notch a win over their hosts in .

Clifton had their moments, but their earlyseason form deserted them at times as they slipped out of the upper echelons of the table.

Raiders fly-half Henry Anscombe managed the game well to consistently move his team into profitable attacking positions Clifton started positively enough and forced a penalty, converted by fly-half James Dixon from in front of the posts.

But it was scrappy defence by his team which let in flanker Jon Dawe for the first Worthing try.

Much time was spent in setting the scrums, to the frustration of the fans.

A lapse in concentration gave home captain Chris Levesley the chance to weave his way under the posts, with Dixon adding the extras.

However, soon after, visiting hooker Elliott Luke received a catch and drive to cross and bring the scores level at the interval.

As the game progressed, the Raiders enjoyed increasing amounts of territory and possession.

It was a clever kick infield which gave their centre Jack Forrest the space to go under the post and chalk up a lead they wouldn’t relinquish.

Clifton will rue their error count when Worthing made increasing use of the wind.

The bonus-point try came when scum-half Calum Waters darted through a gap to go over.

Matt McLean converted both efforts to open up a winning margin.

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