Reds can see tide beginning to turn

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Old Redcliffs …21 …8

OLD Reds, on a three game losing streak, looked to break their duck against Old Albanian, who have had the better start to the new campaign.

They seemed to be suffering by playing a rather uncertain game plan and went behind through a Cam Ritchie try which went unconverted.

Line-outs were a problem for Reds and another overthrown ball put more pressure on their line, allowing Roddy Giles to extend OAs' lead from the resulting penalty.

Just before half time, however, following fast hands from the backs, centre Matt Baker gave the home support heart by dotting down.

With the missed conversion, they went into the changing rooms trailing by just three points. The second half started with some frenetic play from both sides.

It ended with a breakout by Reds and a length-of-the-field try scored by skipper Dan Fry and converted by Asley Groves for a 12-8 turnaround.

The game was beginning to turn and a superb tackle from Dom Sprague halted an OAs' break-out. With the Red's increasingly dominating, penalty followed penalty with Groves converting three consecutive kicks to stretch the lead to 21-8. Albanian did threaten in the few minutes but the Redcliff defence held out for their first win of the season.

Reds travel to next week with renewed vigour.


: Owen, Clements, Baker, Jones, Kilbane, Groves, Wiltshire, McGrath, Ward, Rasor, Pursall, Talbot, Fry, Coster, Doyle

Replacements: Allison, Joseph, Watkins, Sprague, Rice

OLD ALBANIAN: Ricci, Hardman, Watt, Defeo, Hogan, Giles, Thompson, Morgan, Townsend, Samuel, Illston, Bond, Benson, Prichard, Gracey

Replacements: Bond, White Martinez, Napier, Warne, Wicks



Star man

Kieran Ward – Old Reds

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