Half-century for Redcliffs in derby hit-out

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Old Reds ……51 ……24

SOMERSET’S won this West derby and completed the double over Redruth with a try-scoring feast watched by a crowd boosted by a former players’ reunion.

An early lead for the home side through an Ashley Groves penalty was overtaken by Redruth scoring a try through Tom Notman, bettered by Richie Kevern.

But on 21 minutes Redcliffians came roaring back and Ezra Caven crossed with Groves converting for a score of 10 – 7. Six minutes later Caven scored again but no extras this time.

Another five minutes saw Caven complete his hat-trick, with Groves converting for a 22 – 7 lead and on the stroke of half-time Groves converted again, this time winger James Clements providing the opportunity with the bonus-point try.

Reds went further ahead through Henry Bird before Redruth cut the arrears when Jack Simmonds scored for 34 – 12. Hooker and man of the match Kieran Ward then crossed and Groves converted for 41 -12 before a cross-kick with penalty advantage was rewarded by a try for Notman, again converted by Kevern.

Redcliffs extended the lead with Ward’s second of the match and although Redruth replied with a Dean Bonds try Bird completed the scoring to bring up Reds’ half century and a handsome win.


OLD REDCLIFFIANS: Bird, Caven, Rice, Jones, Clements, Groves, Wiltshire, McGrath, Ward, Caulfield, Talbot, Pursall, Parsons, Fry D (Captain), Doyle

Replacements: Joseph, Allison, Zindi, Fry B, Gervais

REDRUTH: Whitworth, Notman, Simmons, Nonu, Bonds, Kevern, Oulton, Salt, Brown (Captain), Tompsett, Prisk, Hattam, Eddy, Stevens, Howe

Replacements: Gidlow, Williams, Hazelton, Tucker,

REFEREE: Luke Davies


Star man

Kieran Ward – Old Redcliffians

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