Rampant Reds put Raiders away

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Old Redcliffs…33


ON a windy day at Lane, blew Raiders away in a confrontational contest.

First on the board with a penalty was Matt McLean for Raiders and their lead was further increased when No.8 Rob Cuffe got the luck of the bounce from a speculative kick to score, McLean adding the extras.

Reds got back into it when prolific scorer Henry Bird crossed in the corner. The deficit was reduced again by Kieran Hill slotting a penalty.

An intercept from centre Christian Gervais was rewarded by a try when the pop up was gathered by Hill, who also added the conversion.

Thoughts of a Reds first-half lead were dashed however, when Cuffe added his second try – converted by McLean right on half-time.

In strengthening wind and horizontal rain, both sides attacked but Worthing conceded a penalty which was struck to the corner by Hill and, from a perfect lineout, Reds captain Dan Fry crossed the line for a 20-17 lead.

The lead was increased when Hill struck a penalty and he repeated that again minutes later.

Following another massive push Jermaine Jones scored the bonus point try. The game ended with Worthing scoring a last try through Curtis .


OLD REDCLIFFIANS: Owen, Bird, Jones, Gervais, Boxhall, Hill, Sprague, McGrath, Ward, Caulfield, Pursall, Fry, Parsons, Coster, Doyle

Replacements: Harvey, Gompels, Zindi, Wiltshire, Hall

WORTHING RAIDERS: McLean, Maslen, Richards, Sims, Barnes, Forrest, Walsh, Birch, Luke, Adams, Dingle, Lee, Lake, Whittall, Cuffe

Replacements: Gibson, Sassoni, Dawes, Hoult, Barlow

REFEREE: Adam Wookey


Star man

Scott Coster – Old Redcliffians

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