Rayner stays cool to tie it up for Reds

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THE points were shared in a tough open game at Lane.

Henley led through a Connor Murphy penalty, but Reds responded when Alex Harvey was driven over after a catch and drive. They extended the lead with an Ollie Conybeare penalty, but Murphy narrowed the gap with a penalty of his own. The Hawks were on the board next when prop Dave Manning crashed over from a line-out, Murphy converting to make it 13-8 at the break.

Reds had a great break from Dan Fry, who gained ground and Conybeare landed the ensuing penalty. Henry Bird was on the board next, making the most of an opportunity to race over for a converted try. It was end to end and Henley rallied, replacement Matt Tibbatts showing strength to score the levelling try.

The next points came the Hawks' way after recycled ball from a lineout. Tibbatts was credited with the touchdown under a pile of bodies, Jackson landing the touchline conversion to put them ahead again.

Reds used the little possession they were winning to fashion a try. A break from dangerous Bird led to replacement Scott Parsons crossing, Oli Rayner converting to level. The final minutes were frantic and great defence prevented further scores.


: Owen, Bird, Jones J, Gervais, Hargen, Conybeare, Fry B, Harvey, Ward, Morse, Hodge, Talbot, Fry D, Hewick, Doyle.

Replacements: Parsons, Joseph, Foss, Wiltshire, Rayner.

HENLEY HAWKS: O'Neill, Andre, Janes, Perry, Portland, Butler, Murphy, Cooke, Emery, Manning, Clements, Albon, Hyde, Bell, Lowe.

Replacements: Burns, Tibbatts, Primett, Jackson, Stock.

REFEREE: Shane Lewis


Star man

Dan Fry – Redcliffians

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