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How about that 49-26 win against Bedford last week?

Yeah, it was a great feeling for us to finally get a comprehensive victory in this league.

What do you put it down to?

We trained really hard in the lead-up to the game and we decided we weren’t going to be the team that gets constantly beaten. There was a big desire for us to do better.

Did the situation help because you know you’re not going to get relegated?

If anything it gave us more of a desire to prove we deserve to be in this league. It would have been very easy for us to sit back but we want to prove we can survive in our own right.

Looking to get off the bottom of the table then?

That’s our big target! We believe we’re good enough to do it and it’d be great not to finish bottom even if ultimately we’ll still be in the if we do.

What do you take from the start of the season?

There are some big boys in this league so it certainly was a jump in terms of tempo and physicality. We struggled at the start.

Biggest thing you’ve learnt so far?

Every player can do everything in this league. You have to put a lot more thoughts in your approach of the game because the opposition are a lot more prepared.

Was it easy to do?

We could get away with being loose in the way we played in the past and we used to go into games looking to outscore the opposition. It made for silly mistakes at times and we got punished for it instantly in the Championship.

Tough introduction to the ruthlessness of the Championship then?

Very much so. Every time we dropped the ball we found ourselves underneath our posts. It took us a while to adapt but I feel we’re getting there.

What do you need to improve?

Our urgency made a huge difference last week so we’ve got to keep that high tempo up. We like to play at that pace so hopefully we can keep it up and put other teams under pressure.

Looking forward to next week?

We’ve been playing against them since National League Two South so even if they’re a good club and close neighbours, it doesn’t feel as big a test as say who have been in the Championship for years.

Thinking about next season in the Championship already?

We might lose that element of surprise we had going into this season but, saying that, we should be better prepared.

How do you balance with your working life?

I think it’s nice and most of the boys would get bored if they didn’t have something else to talk about during the week. It also means we’re looking forward to training. It remains a passion.

Ever thought of going professional?

Not really. Steve Hill was my coach at Oxford University and he joined at the same time I left so me and a few of the lads thought we’d follow him and we’ve stuck around ever since.

Was No.8 Chris Davies one of them?

I’ve played with Chris since we were 17 and it seems like neither of us would want to play for anyone else than Steve.

How many Varsity matches did you play in?

I played in two but only started in my last year. We lost that day but luckily I’d won the year before when I was on the bench.

What’s your day job?

I work for a technology startup in Covent Garden.

Favourite cheat meal?

A burger from Five Guys. I try to keep on top of my nutrition now we’re in the Championship but work lunches or post-games beers can make it hard. I wouldn’t change it for the world though!

Three special dinner guests?

David Attenborough, Tom Jones and the Queen.

Best and worst banter at Richmond?

Jack Allcock has got to be the best but Adam Peters is the worst.

Best and worst dressed?

Timmy Walford, who’s been wearing the same polo shirt for five years, is the worst dressed. No one deserves best dressed really but Tom Platt always tries to look sharp.

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