That was a slap in the face -Baxter

said his had been given a ‘slap in the face’.

“It’s hugely disappointing to lose in the way we did,” said the Chiefs DoR. “I’d hoped we were further down the line than to look so callow and inexperienced in the last 20 minutes as we did.

“We did some very odd things, especially considering that when we did stick to things for little periods of time, we were getting quite a lot of success and created a lot of opportunities. But at the end, I just don’t know what the guys were thinking at times.

“When you set a game plan, you have to follow things through. At times, we almost decided not to. That’s obviously not the case because they are good guys and they want to win. But if you don’t play together and don’t follow some kind of system, you create a lot of problems. Alongside that, you do have to take individual responsibility when the ball is in your hands. I’m not sure if we were doing that at times.”