Room 101 – Bath prop Nathan Catt

The fireworks ‘season’

How can it be right for people to let fireworks off in the middle of the night and all through the year? You get them for a solid week before and after Bonfire Night, and on other occasions, when they should just be for November 5th. My dog goes absolutely mental when she hears fireworks, so we have to turn the TV up really loud to drown out the noise. Now that we’ve got a child too, I could have a crying dog and a crying baby on my hands.
TRP verdict: Ordinarily I’d have said you’ve started with a bang, but that’s probably not the best choice of phrase on this occasion!


As someone who just likes to get on with things I can’t stand it when others make a big deal out of nothing. What’s the point of moaning about your meal if it
hasn’t been cooked just right? Either belt up and eat it or leave it to one side. Going to the doctor’s when you’ve got a sniffle or thinking the world is at an end if you’ve got a flat tyre fall into the same bracket.
TRP verdict: Aren’t you contradicting yourself by putting this in?!

Small talk

My close friends know I don’t like small talk, so they do it on purpose just to wind me up. You can always tell when Matt Garvey is going through the motions and pretending to be interested in what the other person is saying because he puts on this fake little voice! Wouldn’t it be better if everyone was allowed to just go about their business?
TRP verdict: There’s no need to eat your words on our account, you’re in.

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